Celebrating Medical Providers: Beating BurnoutWorkplace stress can lead to diminished productivity, higher absenteeism and turnover, gaps in care and expertise, and increased medical errors and liability.
Many paid care providers and administrators hide stress from their colleagues and supervisors, creating a false sense of workplace wellness. But according to the Gallup-Healthways Wellbeing Index, staff absenteeism costs the US nursing industry at least $3.6 billion each year. |
Nurse burnout has been linked to higher rates of healthcare-associated infections which cost hospitals millions of additional dollars each year. At the same time studies have shown that many physicians regret from their career path, and the suicide rate for doctors is higher than average.
Staff under stress make mistakes. One-fourth of Medicare beneficiaries admitted to a hospital are victims of medical harm, and 1/3 of all medical injuries in the US are due to staff errors. Every year 440,000 Americans are dying from preventable hospital errors. Taking factors into account such as lost productivity and quality-adjusted life years, the total direct costs of medical errors in the US may be as much as $980 billion.
Responding to stress, HCEI held the first-ever nationwide focus groups with caring people. As a result the seminar “Celebrating Ourselves: Beating Burnout” was developed and has been presented for thousands of persons internationally.
What has your organization done to reduce medical errors and staff turnover? HCEI would like to collaborate.
Staff under stress make mistakes. One-fourth of Medicare beneficiaries admitted to a hospital are victims of medical harm, and 1/3 of all medical injuries in the US are due to staff errors. Every year 440,000 Americans are dying from preventable hospital errors. Taking factors into account such as lost productivity and quality-adjusted life years, the total direct costs of medical errors in the US may be as much as $980 billion.
Responding to stress, HCEI held the first-ever nationwide focus groups with caring people. As a result the seminar “Celebrating Ourselves: Beating Burnout” was developed and has been presented for thousands of persons internationally.
What has your organization done to reduce medical errors and staff turnover? HCEI would like to collaborate.
"I have seen very few effective resources or solutions such as your seminar" |
HCEI Medical Collaborators Include: